Sunday, September 18, 2016

Auxerre - Carolyn

We had a bit of fun following another bateau this morning.  It was crewed by a merry band of 4 from Macau, who hadn't quite mastered how to handle it, or understood canal courtesy.  After zig-zagging along, they had trouble tying up, but solved the problem by steering pointy end to shore, sending a man out, throwing a rope for him to pull the stern alongside and then rush away to take photos of this accomplishment.  An impatient crew approaching us took it upon themselves to operate the lock themselves, rather than waiting until the lock keeper returned from lunch.  To our consternation, the Macau crew disembarked with the engine running, to check it out and returned to ask us if we wanted to risk this illegal and dangerous act with them.  Tied to a large shady tree, which had sacrificed a few overhanging boughs to our arrival, we declined to join them, remaining to enjoy yet another fabulous feast on the deck.  We managed to ease out before the Macau boat, who were never seen again.  Don't know if they took a wrong channel, had a misadventure or turned back.  

The Macau Motley Mayhem in an écluse.

By the time we cruised into Auxerre mid afternoon, we were feeling ready to see the sights of this busy old port city.

Saint Etienne Cathedrale et nos catholiques à Auxerre 

High end purse shopping enticed Simone and Gerry to wind their way to the cobbled hilltop shops.  Ray and I followed to keep them safe, while Barry napped and our stalwart Captain attended to business.

Simone in Sacade, a Purse Shop in Auxerre, diligently Inspecting a coveted Longchamps Bag.  
Purchases were made!

In the morning, Barry and I followed a walking tour map (in English), which took us to the Abbeye St. Germain and Cathedral St. Etienne, as well as many other ancient and stunning monuments.  Brass markers set in the paths were very helpful and our numbered guide helped us to understand what we were seeing.  A fascinating day, which culminated, as usual with Happy Hour, which included a welcome rain shower.

Brass Markers set in the Path
Auxierre Town Centre

Took the free 12 person community bus in the morning up to the market; returned to find Barry and the Captain were ready to set out for Migennes.

Saturday Market in Auxierre - Clothing and Food Market

Butcher:  Note the heads on the chickens!

Simone was very impressed by the Food Market but we no longer needed to buy food - we had one more day left onboard.
Auxierre at Night - Gerry
Ray took this amazing picture (above) from the Foot Bridge near our mooring in Auxierre.  The fountains and some surrounding blocks were illuminated by changing colors.
He has a cell phone with a 'night mode' - missing from my top-of-the-line iPhone 6s!

 Abbeye St. Germain (below) and Cathedral St. Etienne (above) illuminated. Taken from the Foot Bridge over the Yonne River.

Our Moon Queen - Simone

Almost Full Moon across the Yonne River from our mooring

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