David the le Boat representative
Fleury-sur-Loire - Gerry
We stopped at a peaceful pastoral moorage with power at €9 a night. Water was extra. There was a lovely covered outdoor restaurant right on the canal which opened at 6:30 pm for dinner. We had happy hour on a table in their restaurant in the shade until they arrived and unceremoniously chased us away! It had been so hot on the boat we had to find some shade. She said - in her language- that us boaters should be using the picnic table on the shore - which was in the sun!!
Of course we did not eat at her restaurant. None of the boaters did after they saw the reception we received!
Fleury-sur-Loire - Carolyn
Early Sunday morning Ray scouted out the tiny village of Fleury-sur-Loire. He reported to the motley crew that there was a pattiserie doing a brisk business at 6:30. He and Barry, keeper of the purse were promptly dispatched to buy baguettes and croissants. The captain and crew of Magnifique had a wonderful breakfast and then Gerry and I went walk-about to see the patisserie first hand. Of couse we had to fill ourbag with sweet treats while the locals had already practically emptied the shelves. Certainly wish we had such a place at home.
We found the old church locked up, but Gerry was able to practice her French with a large white bull who decided he should protect his harem from her. He got to his feet to show her that he was a very bullish bull, which persuaded us to return to le boat. A lovely trip through verdant farms.
Note: Boulangeries et Patisseries usually open at 0630 and are cleaned out by 0730 by the locals.
We had a wonderful tasty dinner made by 2 chefs: spaghetti and meatballs de Raymond avec salads de Carolyn (and 2 sous chefs - Barry et Gerry)
I am going to gain weight just looking at your lovely food pics!